Friday, April 3, 2009

He's Alive!


Kathy Ostman-Magnusen said...

Great song of course. Dolly rocks it. Thanks you for highlighting my art post on twitwall on twitter. I stumbled ya in return. Happy day, Kathy

Helen Wilsher said...

Dolly always has the Spirit with her when she sings. The song He's Alive is so true. I am so glad I have been privileged in this life to have the Spirit of God dwelling in my heart. God was always with your daddy and I raising all you kids. You all were the joy of our lives. I am still being blessed by each one of you and 7 great grand children. We thank God for each and every one of you. I pray we will all meet in Heaven around the throne of God never to be parted again. I Love You So Much. Momma